Friday, September 17, 2010

View From The Ditch Bank

DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE? Time of the year, that is? Recently I received one of those forwarded messages that gives someones opinion, and ask you to put in your opinion and forward it on. I did so. One of the questions ask was, what is your favorite holiday. I don't really have a favorite, but finally put down July 4Th. I will do a post at a later time about my uneducated opinion on our holidays. At least the more popular ones. For now, well, I got to thinking about that forwarded message and thought, I guess I have a favorite time of the year more than a favorite holiday. And we are coming into it. The fall. Now, I like all seasons. This area where I live advertises that it has 4 gentle seasons. I guess it does. The summer has very few days that get over 100* and the winter has few, if any, days that get down to 0*. We do get some snow, and several freezing nights. The spring is probably the really bad one, as it has weeks and weeks of sustained high winds. But I like the winter, when the land is put to bed and life slows down somewhat. The spring time is a time to reflect on the things that didn't get done last year, and preparation for this year. The summer is usually busy, with long days and lots of time spent in the garden, and traveling a little bit. But the fall, with it's colors, the harvest in, the nights cool enough to sleep with just a sheet, but the windows still open, the morning cool and crisp, no noise except the birds singing ♪ ♫ ♫ ♪ in the trees, and the yipping of a distant Coyote, serenading the moon, or whatever it is that Coyotes do. No noise from the neighbors, yet ( like I'm hearing now, blaring music) and just cool weather setting the crisp flavor in the apples that are not yet picked. A few veggies still left to harvest from the garden. Fruit and veggies have been frozen, bottled or pickled. And it is just a good time to set back and relax. I guess that I like fall the best, and that would include Thanksgiving, so maybe I made a mistake on the forward message about my favorite holiday. And that's The View From The Ditch Bank.

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