Thursday, June 2, 2022

What's on my Mind

 There has been a lot on my mind lately. Most of it concerns the state of the country. I suppose this post will provoke controversy, but it is my post and my opinion. If you disagree, go for it, but say why. So on that note, here goes.

1. Donald Trump was an unliked President by many. He spent the full four years of his presidency fighting those who wanted to take him down. And is still fighting them. WHY? Cause they are afraid of him and don't want him to run again. Again, WHY? Well, cause he don't fit their agenda. But when Biden took over, the economy was good, inflation low, gas and food prices were low, unemployment was low and the country was moving. Were there any problems? Sure there was. And Donald Trump could not solve them all. AND Donald Trump was not a really likable person. And in the vernacular of my children, when they were young enough to be in High School, He was and I guess is, rude, crude and socially unacceptable. But as a business man, he did know how to run this country, and he didn't back down from foreign powers. And in case we forget, it was Trump that put the Covid vaccine companies on the fast track to develop a vaccine to combat the Covid virus. Many probably think Biden did that, but he just reaped what had already been sown.

2. What has Biden done? Well, he shut down the Keystone XL pipeline. A pipeline that would have provided oil to the United States for generations to come, and put thousands out of work. He shut down the Border wall and invited those from other countries to enter at will and they did. This created a problem for the border States and put thousands out of work. He cancelled leases for oil drilling on government lands and put more out of work as oil producing companies had to cut back or shut down, thus causing the rise in gas prices. When fuel began to get short, he started buying from over seas and then he authorized the use of oil from the federal reserve. A reserve that is not supposed to be used except in case of dire emergence, such as a war. And then he wanted OPEC to produce more oil to cover for his mistakes, never admitting that he made a mistake. And a fuel prices rose, so did transportation and farming, since those trucks and equipment run on diesel.

3. Now he has finally admitted that this is what he wants. He is pushing his green agenda, and he wants every one to drive an electric car, cars to be charged with the charging stations he wants to line the freeways with, at a cost to the taxpayer of billions of dollars. And he wants to create a rail system and have people ride the railroad to and from wherever they are going and this will cost another billions of dollars. And he said by doing this we can remove millions of cars off of the highways. 

4. He may take us down the rabbit hole for a ways, but there is one thing he is not counting on, and that is the American People. He said the other day on the news that he was distracted and shattered by his low approval rating, a rating as low and Donald Trumps ever was, and he just don't understand why. He then said the problem is that his aides don't understand his straight talk and they mis quote him and so the people don't know what he is trying to do. Fortunately, the people know just exactly what he is trying to do, and they aren't going to stand for it.