Tuesday, October 27, 2020


 In response to the virus spreading around the world, officials ban public gatherings and implement quarantines. Schools close, ecclesiastical leaders cancel church meetings, and those who venture outside are required to wear face masks for protection. The year is 1919, and the raging influenza pandemic that began the year before will claim tens of millions of lives.

Since that time a vaccine has been developed and it changes or is updated every year since the flu mutates or changes every year also.  Now, with the current pandemic upon us, we are facing similar situations.  A vaccine will be developed, many lives will be saved but the Covid may be with us for years to come, in some form or another. And we have been ask to wear masks by medical offices for decades if we go to the Dr. and we feel bad.  Well, why else do we go to the Dr.?

I've been putting off writing this blog because of all the nastiness going around.  And no, I'm not talking about the Covid.  I'm talking about the political situation. Local, State and National. It almost, I say Almost, makes a person want to just go hibernate somewhere without a radio or TV. Or news paper, for that matter. That being said, I will make a few comments and then go do something else.

I heard on the news this morning that Trump and Biden are campaigning hard in THE seven battle ground states.  THE ELECTION WILL BE DECIDED BY HOW THOSE STATES VOTE. Hmmm, if that is the case, then those of us in the rest of the states need not even go to the polls and just let the people in those seven states go vote and decide for us.   UH! Nope, I guess not.

Amy Barrett was sustained to serve on the supreme court.  Good for her. I watched a little of the hearings. I felt that of the three people Trump has nominated for the court, she was the most qualified. She was calm and answered the questions in a very forth right manner. I did get a little irritated at Diane Feinstein and the questions she was asking. She kept pressing for an opinion on a question that Amy Barrett had not been presented with. Mrs. Barrett kept explaining how the supreme court works. Lawsuits have to be filed in lower courts and IF they make it to the supreme court, then a decision will be made.  I think Diane understands that, but she pressed on this cause she just has a hatred for the President. Now she has been sworn in and Schumer is in a snit and acting like a two year old who didn't get his favorite sucker. Nuff said.

I have been against the political process since the 1960's. I was hired to do a job by a county commissioner in the county where I lived at the time. I was ( and still am) a republican and the commissioner was a democrat. I did the job and was never late or absent. The job was kind of a plum job for the time and the county. And the democratic party got kinda upset with that commissioner for hiring a republican. Even though I held the job for over a year, he finally succumbed to the pressure and told me he had to let me go so he could hire a democrat. Fortunately for me, I knew the job was eventually coming to an end any way and had obtained some education for another job, which I got a few days after he terminated me. 

And things has went downhill ever since, regardless of the party in power.  And now those in Washington, of the D.C. do nothing but argue and quarrel worse than siblings and nothing gets done.

Part two in a few days.