Tuesday, November 20, 2018


That is the opening lines of a poem that was popular when I was a teenager back in the 1950's. I can remember most of it but am not going to quote it here. What's troubling is that the will of the people is not clearly shown every where.  Why after more than a week are some places still counting votes. Or contesting the final count. And Broward County in Florida seems to have this problem every election.  And folks I am scared.

I have toyed with the possibility of no longer posting on political things. Then I seem to do it any way. So why, you ask, am I scared.  Before I tell you why, I want to say up front. I am a republican.
In this, and in every election since I was old enough to vote, I have voted for Democrats that I thought were the better candidate. 
So having said that, I am scared because of some of the Democrats that got elected. They have publicly stated their views and they are not good. They want to take this democracy and turn it into a socialist country. The problem with socialism is that pretty soon you run out of other peoples money. The first thing the Republican candidate for governor in our State wanted to do was start apprentice ship programs in our schools for those who want a trade rather than go to college. Create jobs and put people to work. The first thing the Democratic candidate said was that she wanted to dip into the States permanent fund ( which is set up for schools only) and use it to build infrastructure and fund programs. She won. And the next day the first ting she said was that she wants to create laws for stricter gun control. The next thing was to raise taxes. I fear for January and what she will try to do.   But that is the least of my worries. There are so many individuals elected this time that are going to congress that have some radical views of what they want done that I am glad I am an old man. I just fear for my children and grandchildren and the country they will be living in. I fear that they will wake up to late to realize the freedoms they are going to lose. 
I have said before and will state here again. Trump was not my choice for President. But I voted for him over Hillary and given that choice in 2020 I will vote for him again. Other than that, I will wait and see who is running before deciding. Meanwhile,  I wish he would just stay quiet and go about being President.  While he stated what needed to be done with the forests in California was correct, a statement I have made before myself, I feel that, that was not the time to say so, as those people who have lost every thing, including family members, need not be castigated for something that was caused by the government under environmental rules. 
Now I have a question.  When did the political party's become RED and BLUE. And why? And what color are the Independents and the Liberal party members? Just wondering while I sit here on the ditch bank chewing on a straw and contemplating the State of the Nation.