Monday, June 28, 2010
View From The Ditch Bank
SAINT OR SINNER: Or just a common criminal. Your choice. I'm talking about Billy the Kid. You know, the outlaw from the 1870's and early 1880's. Born in New York City probably in 1860 and killed by Pat Garrett in New Mexico 1881. By any account ( and they are numerous ) he was an out law and a killer. You can read numerous historical accounts about Billy the Kid, and they all have different "facts" about his life, but they all agree that he killed several people. He was offered a pardon by then Governor Lew Wallace, but for whatever reason ( you read the histories) that never came through. One interesting thought was that Governor Wallace was too busy writing Ben Hur to actually bother with the tendered pardon. In any case, other New Mexico Governor's have been ask to extend Billy a pardon over the years and all have refused to do so. However, enter current Governor Bill Richardson, rabid, uh avid, fan of all things Holly wood. It seems that he has, for the last 7 years, been contemplating the pardon of Billy the Kid's sins. There are a number of people in this State that would like him to do this. Many more, myself included, do not want him to do this. He is now taking a poll of the state, via a Santa Fe' columnist, to see how the residents of this State would view the Gov's. actually issuing this pardon. Don't yet know how it will play out, but the Gov. will be OUT of office in 6 months. Now, Billy was a murderer. He killed many people, including law enforcement officers. 2 or more, depending on the history you read. As well as many other people. Although this blog seems focused on Billy, it is more about Bill. The already mentioned columnist said, and I quote "Governor Richardson wants to pardon Billy the Kid of his sins." Not his crimes, but his sins. I don't think even slick Bill has the authority to pardon someone of their sins. He may think he does, but I'm sorry McGee, he don't. Depending on the persuasion of your religious convictions, only a Minister or Priest can do that, and then only after a process is followed, by the LIVING person. In many religions, the Minister can only give you assistance to go though the process of repentance, and then your sins can be forgiven by a Being Higher than even the Minister. But never by the State Governor. Me thinks that Governor Bill needs to spend the last 6 months being a responsible Governor ( what a novel idea) and spend no time at all on Billy the Kid. And his sins. And that's The View From The Ditch Bank
Thursday, June 24, 2010
View From The Ditch bank
ARE YOU PART OF THE LUMP? You now the one I mean. Every one does. You Don't? Oh! well, then, I'll tell you. It is that lump of Every One. As in: Wal-mart has a new commercial out advertising the new game Mario for the Wii. The one, according to Wal-Mart, that Every One has been waiting for. Now I don't own a Wii, and I wasn't even aware that this game was coming out for the Wii, much less have I been waiting for it. But still I am part of the lump of Every One has been waiting for this game. Oh! I know, that is advertising. And advertisers want Every One to think that their latest product is the One that Every One has been waiting for. And they are not alone. The media, local or national, are the same. How many times have you turned on the news to hear, "Now the details on the story Every One has been talking about; or Every One has been waiting for, some times even breathlessly waiting for. Uh! no, actually I was about to reach the gagging point on Hearing the Latest details on the death of Michael Jackson, or Farah Fawcett, or the latest details of Tiger Woods infidelities, or his struggles to regain his prowess on the golf course, or the latest escapades of other "Celebrities or politicians". Or the one that; a small lie won't hurt, cause Every One does it. Or; you can speed a few miles over the speed limit and the cops won't bother you, cause, well, you know, Every One does it. No, not Every One does it. And, No, I am definitely not part of the lump. And I resent being "Lumped" into a group that I have no wish to be a part of, just cause some advertiser or media person or individual, thinks I belong there. Along with millions of other people world wide who probably don't belong there, or even want to, if they knew they were lumped in the Every One group. And I am sure Every One would agree. Maybe if I start a revolt against the lump, Every One will join in and we can get this lump removed. Naw, I didn't think so. And That's The View From The Ditch Bank
Friday, June 18, 2010
View From The Ditch bank
UH! RUN THAT BY ME AGAIN! This past week the CEO of BP was on the hot seat in front of the United States Congress. Answering questions about the Gulf oil spill and the company's responsibility's, what are they gonna do about it, why did it happen in the first place, Etc.; Etc.; and Etc. If you observed these events on any news program, you know what you saw. If you didn't, and want to know what it was about, look it up. The purpose of this blog is not to hash or rehash what was said. Or my opinion of the oil spill. Well, mostly, any way. One thing did kinda hit me as funny, comical actually, and I am going to start this blog with that. It seems the Congress people didn't like the way the CEO was answering the questions. So some members of the Congress got a little upset at him and said " Just answer the questions, honestly. We are tired of evasiveness and double speak." Not an exact quote, maybe, except for the double speak part, but Uh! yes, read the title of this blog right about here. Kinda like the pot and the kettle. This said by the masters of evasiveness and double, or triple speak. Yep, made me want to call that congressman and say, "Now you know how the American people feel when listening to you". Now I am going to end this blog by making a short address to the Illegal immigration situation. Against my better judgement. I have been accused of a lot of things, but having better judgement isn't on that list. Now I could turn this into a Religious thing here, about how we are all God's children and we should love each other and so forth. And I agree with that statement. But even God has given us laws to obey, and told us to obey man's laws also. So I am not going to turn this into Religious discussion. Just the facts, as I understand them. This Country has a law against entering it without documentation. Just like other countries. But this country isn't enforcing the law. And when local law enforcement people, or Federal law people for that matter , like the Border Patrol, try to enforce the law, it seems like they are the one's getting in trouble. And I say Why??? So, the situation for illegal immigration here in the southwest has gotten so bad that U.S. citizens are being murdered by these illegals right here in the U.S of A. Just an hours drive from where I sit typing this ( that's by the road, not as a crow flies ) you cross into Mexico, where 23,000 + people have been murdered by many of these same people in the last few years. Nearly 2000 this year alone. So, the State of Arizona passed a law, which doesn't go into effect for a few weeks yet, to enforce this illegal immigration into their State. A law based on the Federal law that is not being enforced. Now President Obama, his lackey's Holder and Clinton are getting ready to sue the State of Arizona for this law. And again I say What! Run that by me again. A State in this Union of States is trying to enforce the LAW, and the federal Government is filing suit against it. Wouldn't it make more sense to join with them in enforcing the very law they are sworn to uphold? Guess I am just getting old. I feel very afraid for my Grandchildren, and the Country they will inherit. I hope if this law suit actually gets to court, Judge Judy gets to preside. :-) And That's The View From The Ditch Bank
Monday, June 14, 2010
View From The Ditch Bank
WHERE IS THE COMMON SENSE---Congressman Harry Teague's (D New Mexico ) legislation to make New Mexico's Katie's Law a national standard for DNA collection and matching recently passed the U.S. House. That is the head line in a news letter type item he sent to all of us in the 2nd Congressional district. Now, before you think I am trashing Congressman Teague, I am not. I am in favor of this law. So, a little background. Carlsbad, New Mexico Native, Katie Sepich, a student at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, New Mexico was tragically murdered by someone unknown. However, DNA evidence was recovered for Miss Sepichs' fingernails. A man was later arrested for some other crime, and his DNA matched the DNA from Katie's fingernails, and he was Uh! nailed. A law was passed in New Mexico to collect & keep and match all DNA from those arrested for any crime. Now to continue from Mr. Teague's paper. 'Studies have shown that if Katie's Law were to be implemented to the national level it would save lives and many innocent people from becoming victims of violent crime.'
Well, doesn't that make sense. Even to an uneducated feller like me. Why do we even need a law. How about just sharing the information, cause it makes good common sense. How many people are caught in some other State for something, and then let go, cause the States just don't share information. Like it's private to them or something. Like if we share, some other State will get all the glory if they were to catch the criminal. well, DUH! Like who cares. As long as he, or she, is caught and persecuted. And yes I spelled it like I thunk it. Prosecuted is just too tame at times. So, if any of you few who read this blog are from some other State, check and see what their law is on this matter, and if they do not have a program to share this type of information, encourage them to do so. And That's The View From The Ditch Bank
Well, doesn't that make sense. Even to an uneducated feller like me. Why do we even need a law. How about just sharing the information, cause it makes good common sense. How many people are caught in some other State for something, and then let go, cause the States just don't share information. Like it's private to them or something. Like if we share, some other State will get all the glory if they were to catch the criminal. well, DUH! Like who cares. As long as he, or she, is caught and persecuted. And yes I spelled it like I thunk it. Prosecuted is just too tame at times. So, if any of you few who read this blog are from some other State, check and see what their law is on this matter, and if they do not have a program to share this type of information, encourage them to do so. And That's The View From The Ditch Bank
Friday, June 11, 2010
View From The Ditch Bank
YEP, ARIZONA DID IT! I had intended to blog about something else, but that will have to wait until another day. Three things have prompted this blog. First, an undocumented Mexican was shot and killed by Border Patrol agents in San Diego a couple of weeks ago. I heard the news, but didn't pay too much attention to it. Then a few days ago, an undocumented 17 year old boy was killed near El Paso, Texas. By Border Patrol agents. They had responded to a situation involving a group of Mexican citizens trying to enter the United States illegally. While they were dealing with some on this side of the border, the rest ran back across the Grand River, which is now dry, and then began throwing rocks at the agents, from the Mexico side. Now, the Border Patrol agency says these rock throwing events happen regularly, and agents are hurt by them. They reported that the agents told them to stop, but when they didn't they opened fire, killing the 17 year old. He was part of the group that was trying to enter the U.S of A. with out papers. His family said he was a good kid, earning A's and B's in high school and plays on two soccor teams. Maybe he is, but he was still part of a group that were breaking the law. The Mexican government is upset and making threats against the U.S. But what do they do, if someone trys to enter Mexico with out the proper papers.? It ain't pretty McGee. The third event that triggered this blog was this. Yesterday MLWFAE and I were traveling to a southern Arizona town for church purposes, and we were on cruise control, doing the speed limit. No More, No Less. We were passed by some people driving a pickup with Mexico plates. Headed for Arizona. As we discussed the possibility of their having any concerns entering Arizona, we said something like this. IF they have a passport, Visa or whatever papers they need, they don't have to worry about being any where in the U.S., including Arizona. And that is the whole issue. Arizona is only trying to enforce a law that is actually on the books of most, if not all, states, as well as the federal government. My youngest lives in Australia. He had to have paper work in order to enter that country. MLWFAE and I visited there some years ago. We also had to have the proper papers, or we would not have been allowed to enter and visit there. Having the proper papers to visit a country different than the one you are a citizen of requires the proper papers. The above mentioned individuals did not have them. I did not go into all the details of the El Paso killing, nor am I going to. That is not the purpose of this blog. I'm just saying again, breaking the law, is breaking the law, and President Obama or governor Richardson or any one else saying differently doesn't change the law. Mexico government officials are now saying that these two killings are a result of the law being passed by Arizona. So yep! Arizona did it. Even though they actually took place in other states. Sure hope someone don't steal a car some where. I think that is against the law, and since I think so, I may be blamed for it. And that's the View From The Ditch Bank
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
View From The Ditch Bank
HISTORY, PART TWO---The last blog commented on the history to be made in the State of New Mexico in November at the Primary election. I also commented somewhat on my opinion of Mrs. Denish and Mrs. Martinez. I will continue in that vein today. I do not know either of these ladies personally. I only know them through the news reports. And their campaign ads. Thus, Mrs. Denish is more well known to me simply because she has been in the public eye for the last eight years as Lieutenant Governor. Mrs. Martinez came to my view only since the election campaign started a few months ago. So, here is what little I know, having gleaned these things from above named sources. One of Mrs. Denish's campaign slogan's is that she is New Mexican, born and raised. Mrs. Martinez lives in and works in Las Cruces, New Mexico. She was born and raised 42 miles south of there in El Paso, Texas. I don't know how long she has lived in New Mexico, but she has been the District attorney for Dona Ana County for the past 13 years. She was a Democrat who switched parties in 1996 to run for, and win, this office. She says she is married to a career police officer. City, county or state or federal I don't yet know. Recently, a man was convicted in Albuquerque for killing a deputy sheriff 4 years ago. Since New Mexico had the death penalty then, he can be sentenced to death, even though the death penalty was did away with in the 2010 legislative session. Mrs. Denish says she is against the death penalty, but if this individual is sentenced to death, she will sign the paper as the governor. Mrs. Martinez is in favor of the death penalty, and has stated she will work, as governor, to have the death penalty reinstated in New Mexico. In my opinion, This one item alone, could elect or defeat either candidate. In the Primary campaign Mrs. Matinez emphasized her experience in prosecuting crimes in a county that shares a border with Mexico. She advocated the repeal of state laws that allow illegal immigrants to get driver's licenses and for their children to qualify for state lottery financed college scholarships. She has also promised to fight corruption in state government. Well, we have an abundance of that. She is also endorsed by Sarah Palin, who came to New Mexico to give a campaign speech for Mrs. Martinez. A State political blogger said that Mrs. Denish could have the "home court advantage" ( My words ) because she was born and raised in New Mexico. However, the current governor, slick Bill, was born in southern California and raised in Mexico. Yep, Mexico. A previous two term governor, Gary Johnson, was born in South Dakota. Now for a little more history. While this will be the first time New Mexico will elect a woman governor, only two other states have had two women running against each other for governor. Hawaii in 2002 and Nebraska in 1986. The republican candidate won in both of those instances. Mrs. Martinez is the first Hispanic Woman nominated for governor in the nation by either party. I have my opinions and ideas about who to vote for, but will be watching closely to see what exactly is said, and proved. Mrs. Martinez' closest rival in the primary made some accusations against her, and then when she called him on it, on camera, and proved him wrong, and he, obviously couldn't prove his statements, he lost credibility. Mrs. Denish said on election night that the republicans would do any thing to win this election in November and would fight dirty and throw mud. So far, Mrs. Martinez and her campaign people have not done that, but Mrs. Denish started throwing mud the very next day, and hasn't quit. The above mentioned Governor Johnson ran for and won two elections without throwing any mud and has recently commented that both women should just campaign on what they will do as governor. And then do it if elected. While I said I will be watching and listening, I will decide who to vote for, but which ever one wins, I think, at this time, either could, and I said could, govern well and fairly. Time will tell. And That's The View From The Ditch Bank.
Friday, June 4, 2010
View From The Ditch Bank
HISTORY--Everyone knows what that is. Don't cha? Years ago a newspaper advertised that they had all the news that was fit to print. A local radio station that was here then advertised that if you heard it it was news, if you read it, it was history. I guess if you are bored enough to read this blog, then you are reading history. Some of it in the making. New Mexico held their Primary Election last Tuesday, and we now know that in November we will elect our first ever woman Governor. The Democrat candidate is Diane Denish, who is currently the Lieutenant Governor, and has been for the last 8 years. The Republican candidate is Susana Martinez who is currently the District Attorney for a South Central county. Mrs. Denish ran unopposed in the primary. Mrs. Martinez beat out 3 men and 1 woman to win the Republican nod. This subject will take up this blog and at least the next one, so today I will discuss my uneducated view about New Mexico politics and maybe some about Mrs. Denish.
First of all, those of you that have read more than one of my blogs, probably know I am a Republican, but not so dyed in the wool of a one that I won't vote for a Democrat, if I feel so inclined. I voted for Governor Bruce King, a Dem. each time he ran, much to the disgust of some local Rep. I liked Governor King and thought he was a good Governor. I voted for the current Dem. Governor, Slick Bill Richardson. I didn't really like him, and like him even less now, but thought, since he had served in Congress as a Representative from our state, he would have some connections that would help the state. Seems he had the connections, all right, but not to help the State. Will be so glad when he's gone. I don't know how other states operate, but in New Mexico the Lieutenant Governor runs separately from the Governor. Who ever wins the Lieutenant spot in the primary, then runs on a ticket in the General with the Party candidate for Governor. So, the Governor has no say in who is running with him, or her, in the general election. Mrs. Denish won the democrat spot for Lieutenant Governor in 2002 and again in 2006. So she has served both terms with Governor Richardson. Richardson has been dogged by pay-to- play allegations during his administration, and there is currently a pending federal investigation of state investments and the use of politically connected marketing agents. Early on during Slick Willie's terms, the State was rolling in money. The economy was good and the state had a lot of income from oil and gas and mining revenues. In spite of warnings from the state's legislators about spending all that money, and advise from same to save and invest some of it, Richardson insisted on spending it for unneeded airplanes for the state, building a train that covers a 100 mile corridor between Santa Fe' on the north and Belen on the south. Paid for and maintained by state tax payers. He increased the number of governor appointed State employees that averaged around $ 140 thousand a year in salary, then refused to say who they were or what they did. he increased the number of State cars that state employees are allowed to drive. every where.
Diane Denish has tried to distance herself from the politics of Santa Fe' and often did clash with the Gov. She is a native born New Mexican, and points that out often in her campaign ads, being born and raised in Hobbs, and before her election 8 years ago she ran a company that did market research and fundraising for nonprofit organizations. As lieutenant governor, the first woman to serve in that position in New Mexico, she advocated for programs for children, including pre kindergarten, and played a role in legislation to tighten regulation of payday lenders. Lieutenant Governors in this State have very little to do, except as appointed to do by the governor. The do chair the legislature when it is in session. So, as Governor, it is hard to say just what she will do. Since she was running unopposed, she has had a chance to build up a large financial war chest to campaign on now. She claims she will be for the people of the state, she is not "One of those good ol' boys, and never wants to be" but wants to be a governor for the state of New Mexico and will be concerned with the economical, financial, and job situation in the state. She will slash the number of Governor appointed employees and the number of state owned cars. She has said nothing about the airplanes, yet. The next post will focus on Mrs. Martinez and some opinions of the elections this fall. And who knows what else. And that's the view from the ditch bank.
First of all, those of you that have read more than one of my blogs, probably know I am a Republican, but not so dyed in the wool of a one that I won't vote for a Democrat, if I feel so inclined. I voted for Governor Bruce King, a Dem. each time he ran, much to the disgust of some local Rep. I liked Governor King and thought he was a good Governor. I voted for the current Dem. Governor, Slick Bill Richardson. I didn't really like him, and like him even less now, but thought, since he had served in Congress as a Representative from our state, he would have some connections that would help the state. Seems he had the connections, all right, but not to help the State. Will be so glad when he's gone. I don't know how other states operate, but in New Mexico the Lieutenant Governor runs separately from the Governor. Who ever wins the Lieutenant spot in the primary, then runs on a ticket in the General with the Party candidate for Governor. So, the Governor has no say in who is running with him, or her, in the general election. Mrs. Denish won the democrat spot for Lieutenant Governor in 2002 and again in 2006. So she has served both terms with Governor Richardson. Richardson has been dogged by pay-to- play allegations during his administration, and there is currently a pending federal investigation of state investments and the use of politically connected marketing agents. Early on during Slick Willie's terms, the State was rolling in money. The economy was good and the state had a lot of income from oil and gas and mining revenues. In spite of warnings from the state's legislators about spending all that money, and advise from same to save and invest some of it, Richardson insisted on spending it for unneeded airplanes for the state, building a train that covers a 100 mile corridor between Santa Fe' on the north and Belen on the south. Paid for and maintained by state tax payers. He increased the number of governor appointed State employees that averaged around $ 140 thousand a year in salary, then refused to say who they were or what they did. he increased the number of State cars that state employees are allowed to drive. every where.
Diane Denish has tried to distance herself from the politics of Santa Fe' and often did clash with the Gov. She is a native born New Mexican, and points that out often in her campaign ads, being born and raised in Hobbs, and before her election 8 years ago she ran a company that did market research and fundraising for nonprofit organizations. As lieutenant governor, the first woman to serve in that position in New Mexico, she advocated for programs for children, including pre kindergarten, and played a role in legislation to tighten regulation of payday lenders. Lieutenant Governors in this State have very little to do, except as appointed to do by the governor. The do chair the legislature when it is in session. So, as Governor, it is hard to say just what she will do. Since she was running unopposed, she has had a chance to build up a large financial war chest to campaign on now. She claims she will be for the people of the state, she is not "One of those good ol' boys, and never wants to be" but wants to be a governor for the state of New Mexico and will be concerned with the economical, financial, and job situation in the state. She will slash the number of Governor appointed employees and the number of state owned cars. She has said nothing about the airplanes, yet. The next post will focus on Mrs. Martinez and some opinions of the elections this fall. And who knows what else. And that's the view from the ditch bank.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
View From The Ditch Bank

HOT TODAY--HOTTER LATER THIS WEEK---If I was sitting on my ditch bank right now, which I'm not, I would be able to see an old swimming hole somewhere in the distance. If I looked farther, past that one, I would be able to see another one. And I could lie back and look at the wispy clouds in the sky and dream about going swimming in those old swimming holes. Course, I wouldn't. Not cause they aren't there, cause they are. It's cause I somehow never learned to swim. Oh! and another reason. I agree with Grandpa Pickles. I usually do. But it is hot, and swimming does sound good. And That's The Vies From The Ditch Bank
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