Friday, October 18, 2019


This is something I have been thinking about for a while. President Trump apparently called for Joe Biden's son to be investigated for something that was done while Joe was vice president. Something to do with the Ukraine. 
Then something he did with China.  So, a couple of comments from my little brain.
1. While Joe was vice president his son traveled with him to the Ukraine on Air Force two and somehow became a millionaire as a board members of some Ukraine business or something.
2. Hunter Biden then traveled with his dad, the vice president, to China and got to be a board member of a business there also and made a few more millions. Hunter has said, now that the news is out, that he will resign from the board in China. Not sure if that is imminent, or if his dad is elected President. 
3. Good Ol' Joe and the democratic house immediately called for President Trump to be impeached because of pressure he put on the Ukrainian president. Trying to get them to investigate the Bidens.
4. My final thoughts on this.  IF and I said IF the Bidens did nothing wrong, as they claim, I would think they would welcome this investigation. That would prove that they did nothing wrong and do a lot more toward Trump not getting re elected than what is actually going on. regardless of my or any one elses opinion, a lot of American's are getting tired of the constant onslaught against the President and the millions of tax dollars that are being used to do so and so far with minimum results. And nothing getting done except to cause a divide among the people. 
5. So investigate. If Trump did something wrong, that is impeachable, then impeach him. If bidens did something wrong, then do what ever the law allows in that regard. But don't just assume Trump is wrong and Biden is not. After all, the fact that his son traveled with him on a government plane to a foreign country, or country's, and then became a board member of a company in that country and is being paid millions to do so, is, in my eyes, very suspect.


1 comment:

  1. It can be both ways. Trump is clearly and vastly corrupt ( seeming truer and truer daily) and Biden should drop out of the race and if another investigation goes through, let that stand as well. But just because Biden may have done something doesn't excuse Trump from impeachable offenses.


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