Wednesday, October 2, 2019


I SEE THINGS IN TOWN OR ON THE NEWS AND JUST HAVE TO SHAKE MY HEAD IN WONDER.  Sometimes I have to really wonder what is going to become of the world and the population thereof, and then I remember who is in charge and that we have been told how the end will be and I know that the younger generation is going to be OK. At least for the most part.  That being said, lets look at a couple of things.
1. I was raised eating what we called Spanish or Mexican food. I don't know, really, what they eat in Spain, but have learned enough about Mexican food to know that mostly what we eat is Southwest type Mexican food. I also have seen and heard enough on the news and on TV to know that people all over are eating what we call Mexican food. Well, kinda. They all know what a Taco or a Burrito is, even though I wouldn't eat some of what they call Tacos. But I never hear any one on the TV, hardly ever, mention Enchilada's or Tamales. Which is a good thing, in my opinion. They have messed up Taco's and Burritos enough already.
2. California's governor signed a bill that will allow college athletes to be paid to play.  While he and LeBron James thinks this will be a good thing, I can't help but see problems for the future of college athletics. And colleges that can't pay students or have a student athlete that is good enough to get an endorsement. Although you know it is going to happen, I would hope that other States didn't follow California's lead on this.
3. Tesla. Need I say more? Probably not, but I will. Saw on the news that Tesla is coming out with an upgrade to their self driving car. As if the self driving car is not bad enough, now they are adding a feature that lets you call it to you if you are within 200 feet of the car. Yep, people will be naming their cars Fido and calling it to come to them. Tests though, so far, have proven to less than successful and some close calls have happened during those tests. One car even did a right turn onto a grassy area. I shudder to think what will happen if they ever turn them loose on the streets. Probably will get into a standoff with a smart garbage can. Which brings me to number 
5. Also on the news this morning was a report about a smart garbage can. It is programmed to know when garbage day is and can take itself to the curb and ready itself for garbage pickup. Next I guess Tesla will come out with a self driving garbage truck to pick up these self motivating garbage cans and then we the people won't have to be involved with garbage in any way. Guess we just need to find a way for Alexa to take the garbage for us and put it in the can.
I have to feel that the younger generation is getting lazier and lazier and so I have to refer back to my opening statement and decide maybe not all of them, any way.
6. We have hummingbirds visit our house from early summer to early fall. Lots of hummingbirds at times. We often have as many as 5 or more feeders hanging somewhere in the front or back of the house. They eat all day from dawn to dusk. We have been filling the feeders in the evening after they quit for the day. Recently we noticed that one of the feeders in the back was empty every morning. So we started watching and it looked like Bats were feeding there. After some research, we discovered that there is a Bat that actually feeds on nectar like humming birds do and will eat from a humming bird feeder. We don't have a Belfry but if we did we would have Bats in our Belfry.

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