Friday, September 23, 2016


IF I AM NOT, THEN SOMEONE IS:  Just a few things that I have on my mind as I get older.  Have you noticed it?  If not, then you are probably part of the generation that understands what the heck is going on.  confused yet?  Well, join the club, as I try to explain.  I said Try.
The local TV stations have been hiring young people to give the news.  They talk fast and they don't use proper punctuation. They put periods in their sentences where there should be nothing, or if something, then just a comma.  They start and stop in such a manner that it hurts your head to listen to them. 
Do the commercials on TV bother you?  If not, then you are not part of the crazy generation. I can watch a commercial and by the time they are through I have no clue what they are trying to sell.  Whatever it is, they are obviously not trying to sell it to me. They are reaching out to that young generation that seems  to understand all that stuff.  
I do have a cell phone, even though I have never been in jail.  But I don't stream movies or music or TV shows on it.  It is, after all, a phone.  So I use it to make a rare call to someone, and it is turned off as much as it is on. I am just not tied to the phone, or the TV. Yes, we do watch a few shows.  We watched the opening show of Survivor a few nights ago.  One of the teams is a Millennial group.  Young people.  They won the first round because they won the game.  I suspect that they will win more rounds on the games.  Some of them are gamers.  One girl said she plays video games for a living.  In my time, back before I went crazy, we worked for a living and played for entertainment.  How do you play video game's for a living.  
The more I watch and look at the world around me and the things that people are doing, I just have to assume that I am crazy.  Or they are.   AND THAT'S THE VIEW FROM THE DITCH BANK


  1. Dude! We hadn't finished Survivor yet...*spoiler alert*!

  2. Uh! Sorry. That's why we are crazy. we watch things when they are on. Or miss them altogether. We don't comprehend this record and watch later in increments.

  3. Uh! Sorry. That's why we are crazy. we watch things when they are on. Or miss them altogether. We don't comprehend this record and watch later in increments.

  4. I would never watch anything if we had to do it while it actually aired. BONUS! I also never have to watch commercials I don't understand. Though, Sammy thinks commercials are a treat and loves them. Kinda like I treated mac and cheese since we never (rarely) had that!


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