Tuesday, September 27, 2016


I WATCHED THE DEBATE LAST NIGHT:  I really had no intention of doing so. But, there was nothing else on TV that appealed to me and I just got started watching and so continued till almost the end.  This morning I have been watching the news on NBC, AKA the today show, and it is obvious that Matt and Savanna and company is all for Hillary and against Trump.  It is also evident that they watched a different debate than I did, although I did hear a couple of comments that I agreed with.  So, while they are giving their spin on what took place, here is my spin on the debate.
I want to mention Lester Holt.  I like Lester, but last night he stated that the questions were his. And the first question out of his mouth was   "tell me how you will handle the economy better that your opponent?  I hated that form of question.  Better, Tell the public what you will do to improve the economy and the job situation.  And then the candidates need to both go back to school to learn the definition of the word debate.  Lat night was not a debate, it was an argument. And a bunch of accusations. You did this, will you said this  etc. the 15 minute time limit for each segment got totally away from Lester and he had little control over the actual content of the debate. The candidates also got into the performance of President Obama. I have lived through the last nearly 8 years of his Presidency. I don't need these two hashing over what he has or has not done. I want to hear what they will do to improve the country. What will they do with the military. What will they do with the economy and jobs and taxes. And why do they think their plan will improve the situation.  What will they do about foreign policy. I'm not really concerned about climate change, since I know who is in charge of the climate and it ain't them. And that is a subject for a future post.  I also noticed that Lester would let Hillary carry on for as long as she wanted and say whatever she wanted, but he often interrupted Donald when it seemed he didn't like what Donald was saying.  A debate moderator should be neutral, and Lester didn't come across that way. I am disappointed in that.
Now a comment of three or more about the candidates.  While I expected it, I was disappointed that they went on the attack, instead of talking about a plan they would have for improving the country. What they did say was from different view points.  Hillary was from a politician point of view and Donald was from a business man's point of view.  Hillary's plan is to raise taxes and throw more money at the problem. Dona;d's plan is to lower taxes and bring back jobs and companies to this country. Having spent my working life in an environment where taxes and government over regulations often devastate companies, I agree with Donald on this. I don't really like his demeanor or his persona,  but I do agree with him on that. Also, Hillary's answers were very scripted, while Donald spoke off the cuff, as it were.  Donald said what he thought needs to be done to bring law and order to the country. Hillary, in spite of recent FBI statistics to the contrary, said that crime was down under President Obama's administration. Although they didn't really get into this item last night, Hillary wants to dis arm the citizens of the country and rewrite the 2nd amendment.  I hope this is addressed in a future debate.
One final thought. Or two.   Neither Candidate won.  neither candidate convinced many undecided voters to vote for them.  Both probably solidified their own base voter block.  So, for the next two debates, I think we need a little diversion.  Let Gary Johnson be included in the debates. He is on all 50 ballots and is polling at 10%.  This will give another viewpoint to the current two party system.  Who knows, he may have a point of view that will appeal to some, and provide a little relief from the snippyness of the two current leaders.


  1. She really, really, really does NOT want to rewrite the 2nd amendment and disarm the public. Not even a little. Sensible gun control is not a rewriting of the amendment!

    And Lester Holt is a registered Republican, so....I'm thinking he interrupted because Trump doesn't know how to actually answer a given question. Or just flat out lies pretty much all the time. And crime IS down. Across the board!

    And one thing I learned from your mom - while sure, God is in control of things, that doesn't mean we can waste away our stewardship of the earth.

  2. Whether Lester Holt is Republican or not, he should come across as neutral as a debate moderator. He did not, and he seemed to be baiting Trump.
    Hillary has said she favors the Australian method of gun control, which was to take all the guns and melt them down. When reminded that the 2nd amendment was for gun owner ship she said then we need to change the amendment to fit the times. And I will address climate change in a future post.

  3. Whether Lester Holt is Republican or not, he should come across as neutral as a debate moderator. He did not, and he seemed to be baiting Trump.
    Hillary has said she favors the Australian method of gun control, which was to take all the guns and melt them down. When reminded that the 2nd amendment was for gun owner ship she said then we need to change the amendment to fit the times. And I will address climate change in a future post.


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