Wednesday, August 17, 2016


BUT SINCE IT PROBABLY WON'T BE, I'LL TRY TO HOLD IT DOWN.  I want to comment on a few more things political, from the point of view of an uneducated person. So here are a few more observations.

1. Hillary said she was in favor of religious freedom.  Well, that is not really a lie, exactly, but her version of religious freedom means something different than mine. Hew view is that if a religion has a certain belief and someone else believes differently, the the first one has to accommodate the individual or group that believes differently. I say no, I should have the freedom to believe what I want and the other individual or group can believe what they want, and neither one should have to cater to the other one.

2. I have said that I don't particularly like Trump.  I will vote for him, however. And here is why. I see in the news reports that several influential Republicans are against him and trying to get someone else to take his place.  All this will do is help Hillary to win.  Here's my opinion of what is going on.  Trump is not part of the good old boy group. He is a lone wolf. he is a business man who has made his millions + and he is not owned by any of the people that are in office. And they are afraid that he will get elected and upset their little money making apple cart. You know the one. The one that is operated on the backs of taxpayers.  So, they will do whatever they can to defeat Trump.  I think the people of the country are smarter than that.  Well, us older ones are any way.

3. I have stated in the past and in my profile that I am a member of the LDS (AKA Mormon) Church.  The pollsters have commented that Trump has upset the Mormons of Utah and so they will vote for Hillary, even though Utah is primarily a republican State.  Little do they know that there are a lot of Mormons outside of Utah and not all of them are as upset at Trump as they are with Hillary. 

4. Trump wants to eliminate the death tax. Hillary says it won't help any one but Trump. Well, it will help the Clinton's also.  And while it won't effect me, it will effect may rural people. Farmers and ranchers that are lucky enough to still be in business will be effected. While they don't have a lot of cash, they do have a lot of funds invested in land and equipment, and the death tax can, and does, devastate many families, and farms and ranches, as well as other family owned businesses are and will be devastated with the death tax.  land and funds that have been taxed at least once already and now the government wants to tax it again just because you die.  Yes, I am with Trump on that one.

5. Environmental regulations. Trump wants to change them. Hillary wants to strengthen them. They have already shut down many operations. The environmental groups just don't realize that livestock actually is good for the land. Over grazing, no, but good conservation efforts are good.  And they have had the Forest service shut down logging, so now instead of having good forests, we have millions of acres of timber going up in smoke every year. And it is not the fault of global warming.  That one lies squarely on the backs of environmental groups.

6.  Last, for now.  There is WOTUS.  Never heard of it?  Look it up. This is the government trying to take over every drop of water that we use. Every lake, every river and stream, every irrigation ditch and every puddle of water that we may even think of using. And this will also harm the folks living in rural areas.

Again, I don't think we will be in good shape no matter who gets elected, but with Hillary it will definitely be worse that Trump.  Maybe they both have lied to the public, but Hillary is worse. AND THAT'S THE VIEW FROM THE DITCH BANK

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