Monday, September 2, 2019


And that does include the 1st and 2nd amendments. Both of which are under attack by so many now, both in and out of politics. However, having stated that, I am going to focus at this time on the 2nd amendment and my view of what is going on.
Much has been said about gun control both pro and con. There is so much on the news and on social media that is just not correct. Again, both pro and con. Many that want gun control, often those  talking heads on the tv and print news, say things that is just not correct. I'll address that in a moment. On the other side of this coin, many that want guns also say things that are not correct. In most cases both sides present "Facts" that support their viewpoint and are misleading. So where to start. OK   on the side of gun control. This item comes to the forefront every time there is a mass shooting. And there have been far too many lf late. OK so even one is too many. I agree. But the talking heads will so often say the person used an AK-47 usually purchased legally. Well, no, AK-47 are not legal and have not been for a long time. So now they say they used an AR-15 with a clip that held X number of rounds. They always include this to mean that the AR designation means assault rifle. No, it does not. It means the material the rifle is made of and stand for armor lite. I probably spelled that wrong. But those rifles have been around since I was a teen ager and that was a LONG time ago. And clips that hold a lot of rounds have been outlawed in most states, also for several years. While the rifles can be purchased legally, the multi round clips were legal and so they are around but probably not purchased legally now. Many other restrictions have been imposed on gun owners over the years, and many of them are beneficial in this day and time. And this day and time is what I am going to focus on now.
When I was growing up, a majority of households had guns. And they used them to go hunting or sport shooting. People still do. Also when I was growing up, the flag of the United States was respected, people in uniform saluted when it went by ( they still do) men took off their hats and put them over their heart or their right hand if they didn't wear a hat or cap. A lot no longer do. People were mostly religious and went to what ever church they belonged to on Sunday. Prayer was allowed in school. Now, the percentage of people of religion is smaller, and prayer is banned in school, as well as any type of religious teaching. I know there are exceptions to this statement, but for the most part it is accurate. While drugs and alcohol have been around since Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden, I suppose, they are exceptionally prevalent today. Parents aren't allowed to discipline their children, police arrest law breakers and judges let them go. Family's call police to come because a family member (usually one with a police record already) is causing problems. The family members then threatens the police and winds up getting shot and then the family sues the police office and the department and the city, state, etc because they didn't need to do that. And if it happens to be a white cop and a black man, or woman, then they protest and wind up getting big bucks when the law suit is settled. Never mind that the dead person was breaking the law to start with. And as the morals of the country seem to get lower and lower with each passing day, crime rises and shootings become more prevalent. 
Am I immune to these shootings? No I am not. It breaks my heart when a shooting happens. Not limited to, but especially in a school and children lose their lives. I fear every day when I turn on the news and wonder what will happen today. 
So, should there be gun control? Well, there are laws already on the books that don't seem to be enforced. More laws probably won't solve the problem. Not to be trite, although it will come out that way, I will quote one thing that is circulating on social media.   It is not a gun problem, it is a people problem. One of lower or lack of a moral compass. One that has been predicted by the prophets in the scriptures. I am glad that I am an old man but I feel for my children and grandchildren and just hope that the millenium happens sooner than later.

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