Friday, September 13, 2019


When I started this posts all those many years ago, about 10, I think, at the insistence of some of my children, My focus was on politics and things that are going on around me, from my uneducated point of view.  For the most part, I have stuck to that focus.  I don't really intend to depart from that, but have decided to change directions from time to time and post something else. So bear with me and we will see where this goes.  Probably not very far.
Due to some medical issues that I choose not to dwell on, I lost a lot of weight and all my muscle. Literally all my muscle. For a time I was very weak from being in the hospital 5 times for a total of 45 days over a three month period. 
I am now gaining some muscle back and have put back some of the weight. I am eating more healthy and walking a fair distance three days a week. My wife walks also, often on the days I don't she walks any way, and often regardless of the day takes a longer route. She walks faster than I do, she always has, but there was a time I could mostly keep up with her. Now, nope, not happening. So, being members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, if we were in Nauvoo, Illinois and were ask to walk to Salt Lake City, we could do that. However, my wife would be in Salt Lake City and have a cabin built while I was still crossing the plains of Wyoming. But perseverance would come into play, and I would make it, eventually. And be there in time to help till and plant a spring garden. Such is the life of us oldsters.
We are now getting into the fall of the year. I love fall. I am not so much of a winter person any more, all though there was a time that I enjoyed winter. I like spring and summer, but I love fall. We are also at the end of what the weather people call our monsoon season. Here it has been more like a nonsoon season, but we can hope for some winter moisture in the form of snow.
My wife and I are in the process of going through a lot of our belongings and getting rid of the excess. This will prevent the children from needing to do that at some future date. We can see them now, rolling their eyes and saying to one another, why in the world did they keep that?  Well, in order not to put too much strain on their eyes, we will get rid of a few items any way.
OK   I will mention politics. I did not watch the democrat debate last night. I heard about it this morning, though, and it seems that the 10 of them are spending time trashing President Trump and trashing each other to the point that they can't put forth a comprehensive plan of what direction they want to take the country. Maybe they did, but the talking heads on the news didn't say so.

1 comment:

  1. "However, my wife would be in Salt Lake City and have a cabin built while I was still crossing the plains of Wyoming."

    I don't know if I've ever heard a more accurate depiction of my mother. Ever.


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