Saturday, July 6, 2019


1. Ice Cream Licker.  Yep, you read that correctly. The Albuquerque TV news channels are reporting that a young woman was caught by security camera opening the ice cream freezers at a local grocery store, removing the lid of ice cream gallons and licking the ice cream and then returning the lid to the carton and then returning the carton to the freezer, ready for some unsuspecting shopper to come along and purchase the ice cream.  Guess I will be sure not to purchase any thing that is not sealed tightly. Very tightly.

2. Student Debt. It seems that there is a cadre of college student graduates that are having a problem with student debt. The problem?  they have to pay it back, and they are protesting. Why? Cause they don't want to pay it back. So, when they get the notices or contracts of payment they just shred them and ignore it. Have to wonder when the other shoe will drop. The Police officer shoe to be exact as they come to arrest the students that are ignoring their lawfully  contracted debt to pay for their education. Guess they should have enrolled in law school. 

3. This is partly news and partly personnel knowledge. The Border Crisis. Yes, we have one. And we have had one for a while.  Even past Presidents have acknowledged that, including Clinton, Bush and Obama. Actually President Obama and his administration authorised the building of 700 miles of border wall. The situation at the border got so bad that President Trump and our State Governor at the time called out the National Guard to assist the Border Patrol control some of those crossing the border illegally. When our current governor took office in January, she went to the border and ( while standing in a check point with a section of Obama's wall) said there is not a problem with people crossing illegally. Well, no there wasn't there. So she said we don't have a border problem. President Trump manufactured that problem. So she sent the National Guard home.  After she did that, the problem escalated to the point that the Border Patrol closed the 5 border check points in the State and sent those officers to assist those n the border. Now, several months later, those check points are still closed. And there are stories of the cartels making hay while the sun shines, as the saying goes, since there has been an influx of drugs crossing into the area, according to those who are in the know. I am taking that much information from someone else, since I have no actual knowledge of it. However, even the talking heads on the news have acknowledged that we have a problem with people coming into the country illegally. And now two of our southern cities are sharing the brunt of this and are having to find funds to take care of the people that are coming in. And our governor, who thwarted President Trumps efforts to take care of this, ow has the audacity to sue him, (Trump, and the federal governor for not taking care of the problem. I have seen and knew people that didn't like past governors, but I have never seen a governor gain the dislike of the population of the State like this one has. But that is a post for another time. Meanwhile, back at the border.  A group of congressional people, all Democrats, made a stop at a border detention center in Texas. There has been a lot of controversy over their visit and just what they claimed they saw and what the border patrol people said they saw and what they did. Two ministers from a church ( I forgot the name of the church) went there after that report to see what they could do to alleviate the situation. They said that the conditions that were reported by the congresswoman from New York was false. This was not The Trump Administration saying it was false, but two ministers that are concerned for those here illegally and the children that said what she said was false. One more item to chew on. These "cages" are actually jail cells build by a past administration as a holding cell for those caught thring to enter the country "ILLEGALLY". This amounted to a few hundred a year. These detention centers were not and are not designed to hold hundreds and hundreds of people coming in every day. Especially not families with young children.  And the country does not have enough federal judges to accommodate this amount of people, so they are given a short hearing and a court date some years out and told to return for that hearing when they will then be heard on their plea for asylum. They are then put on a bus or a plane and sent to a sponsor that is supposed to watch for them until the aforementioned court date. The true picture is that the people are here. Courts are inundated with them. Border Patrol needs, and has ask for, funds and more people. We don't need law suits. We need congress to forget photo ops and the TV talking heads to report the facts and congress to work with the administration to actually fix the problem. It can be taken care of in a humane manner for all concerned, if they will Mean while, the small cities and towns and churches and people of the southern border will take care of the people as best they can. They are doing it and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. 

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