Tuesday, July 23, 2019


In less than 24 hours as of this writing, Robert Mueller will testify before congress. What he will say or testify to I have no idea. This post is about my viewpoint on this and a couple of other items that are related but may seem disjointed. 
So lets start with this. Michael Bloomberg poured millions into Hillary Clintons presidential campaign and when Trump won he was livid and he vowed to get rid of Trump. He also hates guns, or at least he hates for common people to own guns. 
The Democrats, or the Democratic Party, also hated Trump winning and vowed to take him down and has spent the past two plus years trying to do just that. Many of the current crop of Presidential candidates also have expressed their dislike of guns. Or the common person having them. More on that in a bit, but for now this.
Because the opposition party wanted to take down Trump, they have spent two years and millions of tax payers dollars trying to do just that with Robert Muller and his Russia investigation. He has finished said investigation and he has released his report. Congress, in the form of Jerry Nadler, has decided that his report is not sufficient and so they have ordered him to testify before congress. What he will say other that what is in his report that they have seen, I don't know, but I doubt that it will be what they want to hear. Was there any conversation between Trump or his associates and Putin? Maybe so. Did the Russians influence the election? Maybe, but definitely not on my part. And here is why.
In a December interview with Dan Rather, President Bill Clinton said that one of the reasons Al Gore lost the Presidential election was his stance on gun control. Again in 2004 Bill Clinton stated that Gore's extreme gun control position "hurt him badly" in Tennessee and other States. In 2013 Clinton warned Democrats on gun control stating "Do not patronize the passionate supporters of your opponents by looking down your nose at them....A lot of these people live in a world very different from the world lived in by the people proposing these things." Ignoring the sage advise of her husband, Hillary Clinton campaigned on a raft of gun control policies and expressed her opposition to the U.S. Supreme Courts opinion in the District of Columbia v. Heller which held that the second amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms. Hillary lost and that is a large reason why, along with several others that would deprive the people of basic constitutional rights. Russia had nothing to do with it. Plain and Simple.
Now, to wrap this up. There are some 20 plus Democrat candidates running for President. Of the top ten in the polls, they are running on gun control policies. The policy they espouse varies, but they all want to take the guns away from the common people. These top ten are  Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, Robert (Beto) O'Rourke, Cory Booker, Bill de Blasio, Amy Klobuchar, and Andrew Yang.  All ten of these individuals have expressed a variety of policy's they would enforce on gun control if elected. The other 13 or so that are running have expressed similar policy's. To repeat what Bill Clinton said, these people live in a different world than the bulk of the american people. And I said  "And they think they are above the law and that we the people will just agree with what ever they say and go along with it.
Nope, we won't.  We the people will have our say and you can just take it.
Two more quick observations. My wife and I have a lot of family that belong to the Democrat party. Past and Present. The current leadership of this party is NOT what it was in our parents day and on back from there. 
And, while I admit and always have, President Trump is not a very moral man, he has improved the economy for this country and has done many other good things that you rarely ever see reported on the national news. If the members of Congress would work with him and spend OUR dollars on things for the people instead of spending OUR dollars on trying to impeach Trump, this country would be in a much better position.

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