Saturday, March 9, 2019


I ASSUME YOU HAVE ALL HEARD THE STORY OF THE FROG. You know the one where a frog put in a pot of boiling water will just jump out but if put in a pot of cold water and then when the heat is turned on and the water gradually heated up, the frog is boiled alive without realizing what is happening.  I would liken the people of this State and this Country to the frog. Most of us are like the frog in the pot of cold water. We are just going along enjoying the sensation, as it were, and then we wake up and realize we are being boiled alive and by then it is too late to jump out. 
Fortunately, I believe, many of us have came to the realization of what is happening and are jumping out of the pot. We can just hope that a majority of those who were there with us jump out in time to be saved, as it were. Confused yet?  Some of you are and probably some aren't.  So just what am I getting at. Well, it political, of course. And the politicians in Washington and in the State house of this State are passing laws that are infringing on our rights and freedoms. They didn't just start this with the current administration either nationally or in the State, but this has been going on for decades, slowly. Like a pot of water being gradually heated up, our freedoms have been gradually eroded without our noticing it. And so often laws are passed that sound good on paper and as it is reported by the talking heads on TV or the reporters in print, but in actuality it is just an eroding of what we call freedom. 
And then along comes an election year and all of a sudden the frog, er the people, realize, hey, the water is getting hot and I need to get out. And so we have. This past election a governor of this State was elected that has caused an uproar like I have never seen in all my nearly 80 years of life. The people of this State has turned against her en mass. Even those that belong to the same political party that she does. There is a lot of talk about removing her from office and how it can be done. There is a lot of talk about politicians in the three most populated areas of the State trying to pass laws that don't concern them but concern the populace of the rural areas, which is most of the State. And those are the frogs, er people, that are rising up and jumping out of the pot and taking notice what is being done in the State house and rebelling against it.
Many, maybe even most, of the politicians in Washington have not yet realized that the people of the country are in that same position. They are like frogs realizing that the water is getting hot and are jumping out. They started jumping out 2 years ago and are still jumping. They, the politicians, along with some of the self important "movie stars" and "sports figures" think that they can tell the people what to do and they will just blindly follow them. Nope, not happening. 
So, what will happen in two years during the next election? I don't know. I am not a prophet. BUT, if the current steam of things keeps up, Trump will be re elected and many of those in office in Washington will not be and our current Governor and many of those now serving in the legislature will be out and a new crop will be in.  And if that happens, will things improve? Why, yes they will, until a new pot of cold water is provided and the frogs, er people, calm down and then the water will begin to heat up once more.  And the cycle will continue until the Lord says it is enough and makes His triumphant return. And that will happen, of that I testify.

1 comment:

  1. Uh...except all signs are pointing to Trump in jail. They would be ridiculous to allow him to run again, considering all of the charges. And even more, people are ridiculous to follow such a criminal blindly to a win, again.


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