Friday, March 22, 2019

OH! What a tangled web

I have a lot to get to today so bear with me. Or not. I may even get tired and turn this into two posts. We will see. This will be a post of things on the news; political and just because I am old and have observed life for a long time and formed an opinion on things. Rightly or wrongly as it may be. We will see on that also.  So, by the number and in no particular order.
1. The girl on the bridge. You know the one. She was 16 years old at the time and she, along with some of her friends were on a bridge 60 feet above a river and apparently it was the practice for teenagers for some time to go there and jump off the bridge into the river below. This girl was perched on the ledge and then got scared and didn't want to jump, so a friend pushed her into the river and she broke several ribs and punctured a lung. She spent some time in the hospital. Now the friend has pleaded guilty in court and given a punishment. No jail time. The girl that was hurt wants revenge, as it were. She wants the friend who pushed her to spend as much time in jail as she had to spend in the hospital. My thought.  If I remember correctly, ( this has not been mentioned lately) there was a law or ordinance that prohibited them from even being on the bridge to start with. So, shouldn't the girl that was pushed be punished also for even being there and contemplating jumping? So, she was hurt by someone else's choice, but still it was her choice to be there and contemplating to do that. She should bear some responsibility for those actions. 
2. For over two years Robert Muller has been investigating President Trump and a Russia connection or collusion. What will he come up with. I don't have a clue, and it will be interesting to see. One thing that has been mentioned was the possibility that Trump, prior to the election, was discussing with Putin or Russia about building a Trump tower in Moscow. Trump even mentioned that pre election day and said that the talks fell through. Seems to me he was up front about that. What else will there be????  Don't know, but I have seen two separate news reports that said this came out of the Muller investigation. One was that Greg Craig, I think that is his name, a white house advisor to President Obama is now under investigation for something doing with Russia. Also coming out is that the Ukraine did some collusion of some kind against Trump in favor of Hillary Clinton pre election and that is also being investigated. Seems like a lot of collusion was done and not all of it on Trumps side.  Is Trump innocent? Probably not, but then neither are a lot of those in politics. Did I vote for Trump? Yes. Did I vote for him because of Russia Collusion? Nope. Never heard of Russia collusion until after the election. I voted for him for the same reason most others did who voted for him. I was tired of the Clintons and there shenanigans. 
3. Now, the next election cycle is starting to heat up and there is much being said on social media and in the news about who is running for President and speculation by Democrats and the TV talking heads about who can beat Trump.So all these many months before the election here is my opinion. For what it may be worth.  Of all the Democrats currently running for President or rumored to be considering a run for the Presidency, only two have a possible chance of beating Trump. One is Bernie Sanders. While I admit he has a chance, I think it may be slim at best. For what it may be worth, there are some negative things that are coming out in social media about Bernie that are not good. I said, For what it may be worth. I take most posts on social media with tongue in cheek for the most part any way.  The other one is Biden, if he chooses to run. He may not run, and he may not beat Trump, but I think he has the best chance of doing so if any one does. 
4. One more observation then I will stop for now. There is one issue that will possibly sink Trump's bid for reelection. And that is his ongoing feud with the late John McCain. John McCain is considered by many to be a war hero. I am not disputing that by any means. I feel that he did a lot of good for the country and I feel that he loved his country. I have friends that live in Arizona and I know that he was falling out of favor by many in the later years of his term in office. Many felt that he was getting a little off track. All that aside, many in the country feel that McCain was a good Senator and was well liked and this continuing feud will turn off many Trump voters if he continues it on the bird site, AKA Twitter.  Trump did admit a couple of days ago that he didn't like John McCain and he never had. He also admitted that he (McCain) was liked by many and was considered a hero. And Trump said, that is fine. They can like him, I don't but that is alright. Now, if he will leave it at that, he may be alright. If he won't, he may be sunk. Again, time will tell. 
5. I had more I was going to post, but will end it for now with this one more post.  My wife and I don't watch most of the popular TV shows but chose to watch the DIY and Food channels. Watching the people cook on the food network, we have noticed that they waste a LOT of food. When fixing a dish for three judges and FILLING  three plates for them to take just a taste, we have to wonder, what happens to the rest of the rest of the food on that plate. Surely someone does not eat after them to clean it up. And a lot of it is scattered around the kitchen while they are cooking. I bet they don't have to clean up behind themselves. My wife and I could eat mostly for free on just what they waste. Well, except we wouldn't eat most of the dishes they cook up any way. Gosh, we haven't even heard of half of the things they use to cook with. Guess the old fashioned food is the best for us any way. It do get entertaining at times, at least for us.

Saturday, March 9, 2019


I ASSUME YOU HAVE ALL HEARD THE STORY OF THE FROG. You know the one where a frog put in a pot of boiling water will just jump out but if put in a pot of cold water and then when the heat is turned on and the water gradually heated up, the frog is boiled alive without realizing what is happening.  I would liken the people of this State and this Country to the frog. Most of us are like the frog in the pot of cold water. We are just going along enjoying the sensation, as it were, and then we wake up and realize we are being boiled alive and by then it is too late to jump out. 
Fortunately, I believe, many of us have came to the realization of what is happening and are jumping out of the pot. We can just hope that a majority of those who were there with us jump out in time to be saved, as it were. Confused yet?  Some of you are and probably some aren't.  So just what am I getting at. Well, it political, of course. And the politicians in Washington and in the State house of this State are passing laws that are infringing on our rights and freedoms. They didn't just start this with the current administration either nationally or in the State, but this has been going on for decades, slowly. Like a pot of water being gradually heated up, our freedoms have been gradually eroded without our noticing it. And so often laws are passed that sound good on paper and as it is reported by the talking heads on TV or the reporters in print, but in actuality it is just an eroding of what we call freedom. 
And then along comes an election year and all of a sudden the frog, er the people, realize, hey, the water is getting hot and I need to get out. And so we have. This past election a governor of this State was elected that has caused an uproar like I have never seen in all my nearly 80 years of life. The people of this State has turned against her en mass. Even those that belong to the same political party that she does. There is a lot of talk about removing her from office and how it can be done. There is a lot of talk about politicians in the three most populated areas of the State trying to pass laws that don't concern them but concern the populace of the rural areas, which is most of the State. And those are the frogs, er people, that are rising up and jumping out of the pot and taking notice what is being done in the State house and rebelling against it.
Many, maybe even most, of the politicians in Washington have not yet realized that the people of the country are in that same position. They are like frogs realizing that the water is getting hot and are jumping out. They started jumping out 2 years ago and are still jumping. They, the politicians, along with some of the self important "movie stars" and "sports figures" think that they can tell the people what to do and they will just blindly follow them. Nope, not happening. 
So, what will happen in two years during the next election? I don't know. I am not a prophet. BUT, if the current steam of things keeps up, Trump will be re elected and many of those in office in Washington will not be and our current Governor and many of those now serving in the legislature will be out and a new crop will be in.  And if that happens, will things improve? Why, yes they will, until a new pot of cold water is provided and the frogs, er people, calm down and then the water will begin to heat up once more.  And the cycle will continue until the Lord says it is enough and makes His triumphant return. And that will happen, of that I testify.

Saturday, March 2, 2019


I feel the same about politics in general and the Democratic party in particular. Now, before you get your back up about this, read on and see what I have to say. Then any one reading this, if anyone actually does, you have my permission to get your back up. As if you needed my permission.

When I was a youngster and hardly knew any thing about politics or political parties, there were two of them. Political parties, that is. The Republicans and the Democrats. My father was a Republican and my Mother was a Democrat. Some of my fathers family were Democrats and some of my mothers family were Republicans. Many of the people who my future wife belonged to were also members of these two parties. The parties were distinctive in what they espoused. Democrats were traditionally more liberal and Republicans were traditionally more conservative. 
However, they, for the most part, were not radical about their liberalism or conservatism. They were mostly just different in their approach to resolving a problem or a situation. And for the most part they were for the people who elected them and whom they served and they were staunch Americans proud of the Flag and the Constitution.  Somewhere along the line that has changed.

Now, you have people elected to office and they make a career of it. Or want to. And they seem to think that they are the boss of the people, not the other way around. They seem to have forgotten that this is a government of the people, for the people, by the people. You often hear the expression that some program is government funded. UH! no it is not. It is people funded through taxes on the people.  

Eight years ago the State of New Mexico, which has more Democrats than Republicans, elected a Republican Governor. She said that she would not raise taxes and she vetoed most every bill that crossed her desk that would do that and made it stick, in spite of the legislature being mostly Democrats. When she left office at the end of 2018, due to an increase on the price of oil and gas, on which the State is dependent, the State had a 2 billion dollar surplus. Governor Grisham, a Democrat elected as governor salivated at the thought of that surplus. Also, the Republicans lost several seats in the State house and senate and now the legislature is highly democrats, and many of them were also salivating over that surplus. In the first two months of her (Governor Grisham) reign as governor of the State, she and the legislature has managed to spend half of that 2 billion dollar surplus and in order to keep up their spending spree, they just last night, March 1/2, passed the largest tax increase in the history of the State. One legislature (a democrat) stated that they needed to do this to keep up revenue in case the price of oil and gas went down. One legislature ( a republican) said the only reason for passing this tax increase was because the State didn't want to live within its means. There has been a great awakening among the people of the State, of both parties. There are things going around to impeach the Governor since there is not a recall method in this State. She may be Governor for 4 years, but I don't think she will be reelected. Nor will many of those currently serving in the legislature, including the Lieutenant Governor. Those in the legislature are trying to pass California style gun legislation. There is a great uprising among the people, again of both parties, against these bills. County Sheriffs, many of them Democrats, went to Santa Fe' protesting against the bills on gun legislation. Many of the representatives in the out lying counties, who have few representatives, also are against these bills. They are being controlled by the populated areas of Santa Fe' Albuquerque and Las Cruces, where the highest population is and they have higher numbers of representatives in the Legislature. Governor Grisham states that she will sign these bills and ignore the "pity party" that the sheriffs and the people are having. Nuff said for now.

On the national scene, the same thing is being played out in the form of Nancy Pelosi. In a news article I read this morning, she is chastising some Democrats for breaking ranks and voting with some republicans on some things.  She is upset because they are not voting like she tells them to. Representative Ocasio Cortez, in that same news article, delivered a veiled threat to any Democrat who broke ranks and voted against the party line and went with Republicans.

Me thinks that the members of the Democrat party of old would be ashamed of some of the antics and policy's of many of the current group of Democrats. I'm a Republican and will stay that way, but I can't say I'm a staunch Republican and will vote my conscience regardless of party. Right now, being an Independent is looking more and more attractive, as neither party is acting like they are for the people, but are looking out for themselves first and the party second and Oh Yes, maybe we need to remember the people, cause they vote and an election year is coming up.