Thursday, February 7, 2019

Just a few more useless things

And most of them are useless. I feel that I don't just want to document my life. Not only is it boring, but most of it is NOYB, if I may say so myself. And I just did.  So, that leaves me with not a lot to post about, other than the funny things I observe and politics. i have been trying to stay away from the political arena in my posts, but finding that nearly impossible, I will post a little here along with a few other things that have tickled my fancy lately. So here goes. 
1. The Border Wall. Just need to mention it and get it out of my system. At least for now.  The wall or fence that is shown on the national TV news shows consists of around 700 miles of wall that was approved, financed and built by the previous administration. The rest of the wall is currently being built, about 200 miles or so, and it is being done under the afore mentioned financing. So, I don't understand all the hoopla about the wall. President Trump just needs to shut up. It is being built. The fuss is because Schumer and Pelosi don't like him and never will. accept that and move on to better things. 
2. New York politicals just approved a late term abortion. This can take place up to the minute the baby is being born. They showed how it was to be done. They actually insert a needle into the baby's head or body and inject it with something to kill it and then remove it from the mothers womb. I don't understand their thinking. If the mother don't want it, then just adopt the baby out. If there is a life threatening situation, then do an emergency C section and let the baby live. .......Those extra dots are to say period. 
3. The recent partial government shutdown. The media reported that the majority of people blamed Trump. And maybe they did and maybe their poll was skewed. Not for me to say. However, the members of congress blamed Trump for the shutdown also. HMMMM   I just have to wonder why they blamed him and said they didn't want a shutdown and don't want another one.  Easy solution. There are 100 Senators and 435 Representatives that can simply pass legislation and over ride what ever the President wants. if they really want to, that is. Me thinks sometimes it is easier to just let things go along and blame Trump rather than doing the job they were elected to do. 
4. Colin Kapernick is still in the news.  I have to wonder why. I will say right here that I support his decision to protest against racial profiling and social injustice. I agree with that 100 %. However, kneeling and showing disrespect of the American Flag and the National Anthem is not the way to do that. PROTEST ALL YOU WANT. But DO NOT  show disrespect for the flag. A flag that allows him to be paid millions to play a game and a flag that allows him to protest against what ever he wants to protest.  Showing disrespect for the flag is what gained the people against him.
5. OK one more political item before moving on to other things. I was not able to watch the Presidents State of the Union speech. So, I watched the news Wednesday morning to see what the talking heads had to say. I will insert here I support the 1st amendment and the right of freedom of the press. I do know that some of the national news feeds are very anti Trump. So when I turned on the news Wednesday morning and didn't see a lot of anti Trump bashing, I said to myself HMMM he must have given a good speech. Relatively so, any way. And when I went to Dialysis and sat in the waiting room and listened to some of the people there that also hate Trump talk about his speech and how they liked a lot of what he had to say. Sure surprised me. There has been a lot of comments on social media about the women in White and the disrespect they showed for a lot of things. The things they clapped for and the things they did not. Many are upset that they sat stone faced ( their comments, I didn't see the speech ) while President Trump said that babies should not be aborted late term. Well, we will see what happens in the next two years. A lot of turmoil a I am sure.
6. When I was growing up post world war 2 and into the 1950's when I would go watch a western movie, the wheels of a stage coach would appear to be turning backward when the coach was moving forward.  Now, in 2019, even with all the updated technology available, the tires of forward moving cars still appear to turn backward. Sometimes it seems progress isn't catching up with every thing.
Speaking, (or writing) of when I was young, we had I pads even then. We called them Big Chiefs. And our stylus was a #2 lead pencil, sharpened with a hand crank pencil sharpener. And we used paper grocery bags to cover our text books. Yep, we even had text back then, it was just in a book, not in an electronical devise. And a few days ago we received an order from someone and it had some packing paper in it. My wife smoothed out the paper and remarked, This sure would be good paper to cover text books with. if the kids actually used books instead of computers or I Pads or I phones or what ever they use now a days. 
7. And finally. Watching TV the other day I saw an advertisement for French Fries. Actually it said Crispy Fires grown in Idaho.  WOW. Just WOW. I knew they grew Potatoes in Idaho, but this is the first time I knew that they grew fries also. Not only do they grow fries, but they grow Crispy Fries. Will wonders never cease.

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