Monday, August 10, 2015


DO YOU WATCH THE CLOCK?  Or the calendar?  Or check your cell phone or computer often? Or watch sand falling through an hour glass?  How do you tell time.  Or do you?  Every day has the same amount of time. 24 hours.  You may lose some time, or even gain some if you fly across a time zone. Or live in New Mexico or Arizona on the state line.  So what does this commentary have to do with any thing?  Actually, nothing.  Just a commentary to peak your interest.  Or did you even make it this far?  But, the post is about time.  or the use of time.
I am guessing that most of you are aware that school has started, or is on the verge of doing so. And I also suppose that this awareness  is viewed with mixed emotions.  Mixed in the sense that some of us are looking forward to that and some of us are not, and some of us don't even really care.
But, if you have been watching the news the last few days, you will have noticed that many people are saying that school starts too early, and kids, especially teenagers, need to sleep later and start school later.  THEY JUST NEED MORE SLEEP, FOLKS.
Well, duh.  Refer to the third line above.  There is 24 hours in a day. From midnight to midnight, or 6 a.m. to 6 a.m. or whatever time you want to start from.  So, if your teenager needs more time to sleep, SEND HIM OR HER TO BED EARLIER. Take the TV and computer out of the bedroom. Turn off the cell phone.  If they need an alarm, get a clock with an alarm on it.
One lady on the news was complaining that she had to get up by 5:45 in order to get her kids up and ready in time for school.  Well, golly darn, lady, you should be up by then any way. In 15 minutes it will be mid morning.  I can assure you that late night TV is not essential to the betterment of your family.  Send the kids to bed early and get them up early.  If they have homework, do it as soon as they get home from school, which, I understand, is early afternoon. Get that done, then participate in after school activities. and then to bed. A good bed time would be 9 p.m. in my opinion, but I will concede 10 for some older ones.  Young ones, preschool, ( or is there such a thing now?) or early elementary school should be in bed by 8 p.m.  Talking of preschool. When do they start school now?  On their 1st birthday?  Well, if you think I am just out of it, you are right.  See my previous post.  AND THAT'S THE VIEW FROM THE DITCH BANK

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