Tuesday, October 23, 2018


I realize that the national news people are very anti Trump. They try not to show it in the news casts, but it comes through any way, so lets look at a couple of things. In a rally President Trump said, and I quote, Next year we will put in a tax cut for the middle class. This morning the today show said, and I quote, President Trump said he would put in a tax cut for the middle class before the mid term elections, but he can't because congress is not even is session. Will a tax cut for the middle class be put into effect? I don't know. Maybe and maybe not, but at least report what he said. 
There is a horde of people marching from Honduras to the United States.  At least that is what is being reported by the media. And they show pictures of them marching and packing children and "all" their belongings. What they don't show is all those people riding on 18 wheeler trailers. They did include a short bite of news about one person who died when they fell from a trailer.They didn't go into detail on that though. One has to wonder how this many people got together at this time to march to the United States, why do they seem to have clean clothes every day, where did they get the money to fund this march of days and weeks, since they do need food and water. Today it was reported that they will rest a day and then march to another city in Mexico where they will board a train for Tijuana on the California state line. How did they get reservations for the train for over 7000 people and where did they get the money to pay for the tickets? Or are they just going to hijack the train? If they really want to seek asylum in the United States, why are they flying the flag from there old country. Seems like that many people, that well organized, could march on their own government and demand change. Having said all that, I feel sorry for the children that are going through this.
And finally. Really people. Watching a TV shopping channel this morning, they were selling a blanket that you can get up and wear as a coat since it has a hoody on it. Guess you can wear it in cold weather with the pajamas you wear to wal-mart. I fear for the world when people can't get up and clean up before going out in public.

Saturday, October 20, 2018


I'M STILL TRYING TO GET AWAY FROM POLITICAL POSTS. TODAY I JUST MIGHT MAKE IT. Naw, probably not,but let's see what comes out of this computer keyboard.
There has been much in the news the last few weeks or more on the political scene. The one that dominated it was the Kavanaugh supreme hearings and well, you know the rest. I have a definitive opinion on a lot of that but will refrain from getting into that as the deal is over and settled. For now.
President Trump is making a political swing through parts of the country and making his usual brash comments. He was not my President of choice, but I preferred him over Hillary. Still do. But I so wish that he would just go about being President and keep his mouth and twitter shut. I think things would go much better.
Speaking of Hillary. Did you see her comments on the Me Too Movement. She thinks that the accusations against Kavanaugh were legitimate even though the proof was skimpy as best and controversial. But the accusations against Bill raping a woman, where evidence was in place and many people know about it almost immediately was different. Her claims are ridiculous but they were and are being ignored and Bill and her are starting on a speaking tour where people are ask to pay several hundred of dollars to listen to their vitriol. I wouldn't go to one of their speeches if you paid me several hundred dollars.  Those two people are evil along with many of their associates.  I know many will disagree with me, but this is my post and my opinion. 
My wife and I voted yesterday. We voted early for reasons which I will not mention here. OK I will. We just wanted to and we could. Many people call for term limits on our members in congress. I agree. But there are term limits in a way. They were not hired for a permanent job. If you don't like them, vote them out. That would limit their term. Unfortunately, too many people like them and voting them out is often difficult, so term limits would be the way to go. Also unfortunately, they are the ones to put this into motion and they are not going to limit their selves to term limits. 
I hate to think that there is people here in our state that is against the states economy. But there is and they are running for office. I try to look at all things that people stand for and vote accordingly. Yesterday, when I voted i did not vote a straight ticket.  I did vote for a few members of what I will call the opposing party. People that I thought were doing a good job or that would do a good job. After the election we will see who sins and if we, the people, lose. 
I don't care what your politics are, or which party you affiliate with, please get out and vote. Your vote counts. But when you do go vote, please study the candidates and what they stand for. Mainly, but not limited to, do they support the constitution and all amendments. Unfortunately, there are many across the country that not only want to abolish the 1st or 2nd amendment, but want to abolish the entire constitution. The movement is there, small right now but growing. Pay attention to that and the candidates who support that theory. If enough of them get elected, we will be in big trouble.
Well, enough for now. Have a good election year and get out and vote. And THAT'S THE VIEW FROM THE DITCH BANK